Saturday, August 28, 2010

~Moose and Wormy Winner!!!

And the "Hoarding Apron" goes to.... (drum roll....)    


Email me your info, please!  Thank you to everyone who participated and stopped by! 


Sunday, August 22, 2010

~Tim Holtz Giveaway!

Scrap with Stacy is hosting a fabulous giveaway that, truly, is making me drool! Head on over there to check it out!


Friday, August 20, 2010

~Giveaway Scout

Have you checked out this site? This is a site that will post giveaways from all over the "blog world". Go to GiveawayScout to find amazing giveaways galore!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

~Moose and Wormy Giveaway

I am so excited to share this giveaway! Its from Lindsey, who has an amazing etsy shop.... Moose and Wormy. Her designs are unique and original. I'm telling you, she can create ANYTHING! Just look at this adorable "Little Hostess" apron...

These capes are the stuff little boy's dreams are made of. Just imagine!
These toddler Cowpoke "bibs" are ingenius for those "Big" kids that still need a little protection from runaway food... :)
Now for the giveaway! Lindsey's latest creation... The "Hoarding Apron"! (Click here to check out her blog and see more about this apron.) She is offering this apron to one lucky winner!
Here's how to enter:
(Leave a separate comment for each entry)
1. Go to Moose and Wormy and come back to tell me your favorite item.
2. Add Moose and Wormy to your etsy favorites.
3. Make a purchase from Moose and Wormy
4. Become a follower of All Things Pink & Crafty (or tell me you already are!)
*Total of 4 entries!
The winner will be announced next Saturday (Aug. 28).

~Somewhat Simple giveaway

Head on over to Somewhat Simple to check out her amazing giveaway! Oh, how I HAVE to find one of these tools! I sure could have used it on my lap boards! :)


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

~Trash to Treasure Lap Boards

Well... here's the long-short story. Marcus and I received these hard placemats years ago as a wedding present (13 years, actually!). After moving and redecorating, etc., these babies ended up in the yard sale pile. By the way, does anyone else have a yard sale pile in their garage that grows and grows?
Finally, I had a yard sale this summer. When I found these in the bottom of a box, I saw them with a fresh vision. Well... my vision was to revamp these, with the cork backing in mind as the "new and improved" part.

Then, as my new students were participating in centers, I saw a need. Many of my kids wanted to spread out, get comfy, and color/draw. But I had nothing for them to use....

I grabbed the placemats, my spray adhesive, a little roller (found in the wallpaper department at Lowe's... fantastic tool!), and scrapbooking paper.

I sprayed the board and rolled the paper down, smoothing out bubbles with ease!

I used sandpaper to remove the extra paper from the edges, then rubbed a little distressing ink around the edges to make it POP. You know I love that stuff....To finish, I used Valspar clear gloss spray to seal the paper. (2 or 3 coats)

Ok.... for the next part, let me explain. I know I could have just stuck the paper to the back of the tile and been done. But see... I have been DYING to use the Dimensional Magic!!! Have you ever felt that way about a new craft item? I know... I know...

Anyway, I took these tiles, cut and adhered coordinating paper, and went over the paper with Dimensional Magic.

I'm telling you.... I stinkin' love this stuff! Oh my gosh I cannot wait to use this on something else...

I glued the tiles to the clips, glued the clips to the boards... magic, I'll tell ya!

Marcus and the boys helped me pick out "boy appropriate" paper. Don't you love these monsters?!

And can you believe this paper?! I found this at Michael's and just about fell over when I saw it! Perfect.... simply perfect! (I teach 3rd grade)
I loved the way these clips turned out.
This paper was a must. When I saw it, the words "Fruits of the Spirit" immediately came to mind. Had to have it....
Just check out that dimension... Y'all, this is just the beginning of my new love obsession with this stuff! HA!
Aaahhh.... much better! Moveable, workable, cute, colorful... AND practically free! Thanks for looking!
