Tuesday, November 23, 2010

~Christmas Tassel

Oh my goodness!  I have been away for so long!  I am truly sorry.  It has been a crazy first half of the year... my schedule has seriously interfered with my crafting! 

Ok... so the Monday before Thanksgiving, our family decorates for Christmas.  Now... we are not skipping over Thanksgiving.  Its just that we spend time with my family during Thanksgiving, so when we return from our trip, we find its so nice to walk into our decorate home.

So as we were decorating last night, I found this little fellow.  See.... I made him last year BEFORE I started this blog.  So I thought it was only fair to give him his moment.... :)
 Here's the story.... (for those that know me... there's ALWAYS a story!) I was in Cracker Barrel and saw this gorgous Christmas Tassel.  My crafty mind thought, "I could totally make that!"  Well, if you can believe, just a couple days later, I found these flat-bottomed ornaments at Target.  Just what I needed!  I made this snowman from various ribbons and chenelle yarn from Michael's. 

I started the first row of loops rather short.  The next row was a little longer, and so forth.  Just hot glue and continue.  I even added some burlap loops because I love burlap and he was my creation and I could!  So there, Cracker Barrel! 

My boys helped me with the last step, the chenelle yarn.  I just wrapped large loops around their fingers about 8 inches apart.  Then tied them together in the middle.  Done!

As long as you can find an ornament with a relatively flat bottom, you can make it into a tassel! 