Monday, January 18, 2010

~my version of the apocathary jar

I love to follow the Shanty Sisters over at Shanty2Chic! Girls, I love everything you do... so when I came across your apocathary jars here I knew I had to have at least one! Your tutorials were so easy to follow and in no time, I had my very own jar! Thanks, Sisters!

I chose this adorable demask ribbon instead of twine... but I have a feeling that I will have more of these beauties (with twine!). I also added the cross and tassle.

The sage pebbles came from Wal-Mart and matched my bathroom to a T! The twigs were contributed by my 6 year old son, who thought that was the best idea of all!

1 comment:

  1. Simply gorgeous. I have to try. The hubby says no more projects until you've finished the ones you've already started. Ugh!
