Wednesday, January 13, 2010

~a new project

Well, I'm learning how to knit! I'm so excited! Well.... let me back up a couple of years. A couple of summers ago (that's when I MIGHT have a little extra time), I wanted to learn how to knit, so I downloaded a guide off the internet and sat in front of my computer for HOURS trying to teach myself. Umm... didn't work out so well! So my friend from church said that she would teach me. Let me just say, Melissa, you have such patience! I tried to learn fast, but, bless my heart, I just couldn't! But Melissa stuck with me, and now my scarf is on its way! I will keep you posted on my progress!


  1. I hope this is for your favorite SIL, heehee

  2. I think you have a handsome husband too. Just had to say that since he is MY BOY. I want the scarf for me. LUM
