Thursday, February 18, 2010

~my blooming boys

For Valentine's Day, my sweet husband bought me a new toy. (He knows me so well... No chocolates, no flowers... crafting supplies!) Anyway, my gift was an itop brad maker. Oh, the possibilities! So, I found these beauties at the Dollar Tree. Don't get me wrong! They are nice... but I saw something more...

Ahh... my new flowers for my desk! But take a closer look...

My little angels! Ok... are they cute or what?! I removed the yellow bloom, which left the green leaves on the back. I bought the variety pack of paper flowers at Michael's. To make the brads, I simply printed a black and white picture of each boy and used the itop pattern maker for this size brad.

Ethan... my loverboy. Can't you see the twinkle in his eyes?! I never know what this child is going to say!

Creed... my sensitive, sweet little man. He is my constant show... always thinking of his next movie character to portray!

I am totally thinking about having my students make these as Mother's Day gifts for their moms. What do you think?


  1. I think they are adorable! And the Mother's would love them so much! Hey, can my boys come to your school? Just for the day? ;0) Totally Awesome!

  2. bring them on!! :) Thanks for the comment!

  3. How fun. That is super cute and I think that I would be able to keep them a live :0).

  4. Great idea for the mother's day gifts! I'm sure they would be a big hit! That's such a great Val day gift from your man!

  5. How sweet is your DH?! I bet the kids love seeing their photo-flowers!

    Hope you'll drop by AtticMag to see my home on tour this week,

  6. How very clever!!! I love it!! Did you print your photos onto regular typing paper, cardstock or photo paper?? Whatever you did looks great!!

    Thank you for sharing your idea!!

  7. Fun idea. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

  8. Thanks everyone! Laura, I used regular ol' typing paper. But I think I will try actual photo paper next time, to see how that works. We'll see! :)

  9. What a cute idea! Nice work!

    I'd like to invite you to my first Friday Favorites events. Each week I'll be featuring a few posts that are linked up. Would love to have you!

  10. I think ANY mom would like them! How cute are those! I have 2 boys too! Stop by my blog sometime and say hello!

  11. That's too sweet, I may use your idea for my sunday school class mother's day as well if I can figure out how with what I already have! Neato! I have two boys as well. Yours are so cute in their pink shirts!

  12. I featured your idea on my blog today! Thanks for linking up! Be sure to come grab my featured button!


  13. How cute is that!!! I would definitely have your students do that, the moms will love it!

  14. What cute little flowers!

    Thanks for linking up to Make it Yours day!

  15. Hey. Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites. Hope to see you again this week!

  16. This is great. I needed an idea for my class next week! Going to make these blooms!

    Little Birdie Art
