Saturday, March 6, 2010

~another magnet board

This is my sister, Cheree, who I love dearly! (should that have been whom?) She is the best kindergarten teacher ever! Now I know what you're thinking... my opinion is biased. Well, did I mention that she is the Teacher of the Year in her county? See? I told you.... ;)

She actually goes by many names... Mrs. Fricks, Miss Cheree, Ree, and Ree Ree (my boys). So I hope that "Mrs. Fricks" being on the sign is ok with her kids!

For her board, I decided to turn it horizontally. Then I trimmed it using jute and a cutie button. (I love buttons...)

I made the magnet using their Christmas card and a business card magnet. Let me add... this was my magnet I had made for our home. But when I finished her board, the brown tones just matched perfectly. So I told her she owed me another picture! :)


  1. That turned out very cute!
    I see we are on the same brainwave links! I've been wanting to make somthing exactly like this but couldn't figure out what to use for the base. So if you don't mind sharing your secrets...I'd love to know what you used!
