Saturday, March 27, 2010

~baby's first year block

I know... I'm obsessed with these blocks! I get so inspired by the blocks that the ladies over at How Does She? make. Then I saw the birthday block that Jamielyn over at i heart naptime made. So I kinda' combined some ideas to make this for Tracy and Carson's shower.

I took a 2x4, about 18 inches long, and covered it with the scrapbook paper I used to make Carson's blocks (here)

I distressed the edges and corners with a sander, then brushed over them with brown ink. I used 20 gauge floral wire from Michael's to make the picture holders. To make sure I had room for all 12 months, I measured for each hole (I know... I usually eyeball it...). Then I nailed a hole for each wire. I dipped the tips into E600 to secure them. (Some of the holes weren't deep enough, so I went back and drilled those.) I attached the letters and numbers with Mod Podge, then went over the entire block to seal it.

Here's the finished product at the shower. I can't wait to see all 12 months filled with beautiful pictures of Carson!


  1. This is so cute! What a great idea!

  2. Cute! I love those blocks to.. love seeing what those gals come up with next. I love how you modified the ideas and made it your own.

    Have a great week.
