Sunday, May 9, 2010

~Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I wanted take a minute to brag on the Mothers that I have been blessed to have in my life.
This is my mama, Sue. Growing up, everyone called her "Mama Sue" because anyone could go to my mom and she was there for them. My mama is truly a blessing to me. She is a constant pillar for our family. She is an unwavering Christian warrior and I completely look up to her. She is my dearest friend... I can share my heart with her and my heart will be safe.
A few years ago, we (the ladies.... and my boys...) were at the beach. We were watching "Sarah, Plain and Tall". In this movie, she calls her aunts "The Treasures" because that's what they are to her. I quickly picked this up for my mom, my aunt Brynda (Bee), and their friends. I have to call them the "Traveling Treasures" because they are always on the go!
Thank you, Mama.... for being who you are. Thank you for always loving me, always setting the perfect example of what a Christian mother should be, always showing the love of Christ by putting others before yourself. I love you more than there are words....
This is Martha Ann, my mother in law. She is such a blessing... I can't even begin to tell you! She is a woman that I admire. I think the world of her...
She has been through so much in her life. She lost both of her parents tragically when she was just a young mother. She lost her husband of 33 years tragically as well. Yet through it all, she has been a pillar of strength for her family. She is the picture of Christain love. She always puts her family first, before her own wants and needs.
Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6... "Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart; and lean not onto your own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Let me tell you... She lives this! She lives Christain wisdom...
She is hilarious... I love spending time with her, just laughing! She is a woman that you can share your heart with, but she will be honest with you and tell you what you need to hear. (That's hard sometimes, but usually right on!) I love her dearly and I know that I am blessed, beyond what I can say, to have her in my life....
Thank you, Marthann, for loving me as if I were one of your own. Thank you for always being there for me and showing me what kind of mother in law I should hope to be one day...

You know... One wonderful woman in my life would have been more than many women get... but I have two... Truly, I am blessed. And I know it well!

Mama, I love you
Marthann, I love you

Thank you both for loving me, too


  1. Oh my -- I can hardly see the keyboard through my tears. I am the lucky one!!!! NOT LUCKY -- VERY BLESSED. God has truly been good to me. I'm so unworthy for such love and devotion.
    I have three lovely daughters, two wonderful sons-in-law, two delightful grandsons, and am married to my high school sweetheart. I THANK GOD daily for my unmeasureable blessings.
    I LOVE you, Jennifer! Thank you for being my precious daughter and wonderful mother to my grandsons. Mama

  2. Sweet beyond words---and oh so true! Love all 3 of you.


  3. Where do I begin? I love you just like my own. I knew when the first time I met you you are the one for my Marcus,even though Marcus was my boy,I saw the tenderness that you drove out of your way to follow Marcus in is car to go to Mississip. When the night he called me and his Dad and said he was going to ask you to marry him.The day you got married, and I cried all the way home holding that picture of you two. The Thanksgiving when you Marcus said another addition to our family. During the death of Bob and then helping you deliver my Creed. I have love you for crying with me and building me up, when people try to tear me down.I love the way to treat my boy and love him like a wife should. I love you how that sweet loving Ethan looks at you and you can say my boy. I love you because of who you are and how your Mom taught you to be a southern lady and love Jesus. Do I love Jennifer Clark Butler? I love her as a daught-n-love
