Monday, May 17, 2010

~Summer Book Thong

I don't know about you.... but one of my most favorite things to do in this world is to be on the beach, toes in the sand, and a good book in my hands! I have made several of Book Thongs like this, but when I saw these cute little flip-flop charms, they just begged to go to the beach as a new summer book thong!

Pink.... of course. These are so super easy to make. I'd say 20 minutes, tops. I have used a couple of various materials, but here's how I made this one:

  • 2 ft. (approx.) Thin hemp cording (sold in the jewelry dept. @ Michael's - comes in black, white, and brown)
  • Charms for each end (I have also used old "hanging" earrings!)
  • beads of your choice (make sure the center hole is wide enough for your string)

I start by stringing the charm for one end. Pull through enough cording to double back through the beads. Then string your beads, working the extra string through as you go. When you get to the last bead (here, I always finish with a big silver bead with a wide hole... you'll see why!), tie a couple of good knots. THEN... pull that big silver bead over your knot. Clip away extra string!

For the other side, I string my beads starting with the last (that big silver bead), stringing my second charm on last. Work string back through, making sure your final length is not too long, tie your knot, and pull your big silver bead over your knot. It always holds!

Now, for the finishing touch! I made these cards to hang the book thong from. This is sure to bring a smile to your reciepient's face! How cute would this be for a "End of the Year" teacher's gift?

I am a firm believer that a font should reflect a personality. (I have mentioned that I stinkin' love fonts, right?) So... you can make this frilly or silly, the choice is yours! But seriously, it's called a Book Thong... the end result will probably be silly.... :)


  1. I laughed out loud at the card to keep it in. :)

    I love these! I am a voracious reader so I'll be making myself a few.

  2. Ha! Hilarious! And adorable. I am an avid reader, too! I love to sit on my deck with a good book while the kiddos play. So relaxing! I love the charms.

  3. Hi Jennifer!
    These are precious! Such a great idea!!
    I have an award for you on my blog! Please stop by and check it out. :-)

  4. I just want to know how much it will cost to get one of these? Great Job....LUM

  5. I LOVE fonts too! this is a super cute project! Thanks so much for sharing! And your blog is adorable!


  6. I love the idea of using old earrings for charms! I never wear my pierced earrings any more, this could give them new life. If I were crafty, which sadly I'm not. Anyway, very cute!!!

  7. The card that goes with it is so funny! These would make great teacher's gifts. Thanks for linking up to Finished for Friday!

  8. so cute,, I love the saying on the cards.. very funny! these would be fun to make.
