Monday, May 2, 2011

~Revamped fruit bowl

Good evening!  I wanted to show you my latest project.  I have had this fruit bowl for a long time... I picked it up at a yard sale.   Now, it took a while to get inspired, but I really like how it turned out.  BUT it was a little if-y for a while!  Keep reading.... you'll see... ;)

I'd seen so many different pieces where white can been seen under the top coat of paint.  So I just hit those spots that I would be roughing up.  Now for the color!

Oh my word.... this was after 2 coats.... SO not working!  (I was attempting to use an acrylic paint that I had on hand.... and I stinkin' loved this color.)

Ummm... no....

On to plan B!  A quick run to Wal-mart always saves the day!  This color was really close to what I was using.  Whew!

THIS is what I had invisioned!  But not done yet.... :)

I took some sandpaper (I have no idea what grit and all that.  I just grabbed what I had.) and roughed up the edges to give it a worn look.  I love how some of the white peeks through.

I really like the finished product!

I see a bowlful of lemons in the future....

But for the moment, squash will have to do! haha 

But I need your help... should I go over this with a glaze?  Thanks for your help!



  1. you are just freakin awesome!! : ) looks great!

  2. Love it! I'm inspired already to change some ugly wooden cake pedastal thing I bought from a SLAH party years ago !Found you on Making the World Cuter Monday!
    Here's a link on my blog you might like
    Keep up the great blogging!

  3. This is my new favorite color. Love it!!!! Nice work.


  4. Very cute! I love the color you chose.

  5. I would not add a glaze but maybe an acrylic sealer (not glossy) to protect the finish. The fruit bowl is wonderful and I adore the color you chose!

  6. Ok, I think it looks adorable with the squash.

    And...squash is *technically* a fruit, right??

  7. I love the bowl! It turned out perfect!

  8. Looks brand new! With a little aging of course! I love that you added the white underneath. And I just bought that spray paint the other day. LOVE the color!
    Scissors & SPatulas
