Thursday, September 8, 2011

~Colorful color organizers... so easy!

Hey everyone!  I'm so sorry I've been away for sooooo long.  It has been a crazy summer and an even crazier start to the school year!  But I'm back and I have a few projects to share over the next few days. 

Alright... so I have seen lots of different ways to make crayon organizers.  But none of them seemed to work out for me.  Then along came my precious angel nephew, Jameson, and with him came LOTS of formula cans.  My sweet mother in law started collecting them for me.

So I just removed the outer label...

and picked out scrapbook paper in coordinating colors.  I cut the paper to fit around the can, sprayed with adhesive, and wrapped the paper around the can.  So easy!

There are so many times in class where we just need a specific color.  This is the perfect solution.  Now we don't need to pull out a big box for each student everytime we need a color.  Everyone just grabs what they need.  AND they are so pretty! ;)


  1. I love this idea. I have tried it using similac cans and scrapbook paper and my paper is not long enough to go around the cans. Did you run into this problem? If so, how did you fix it? Thank you

  2. How did u ensure the cans didn't have sharp edges?

  3. I've done this, and saved at least 50 cans. Only 1 had a metal burr on it, and I just tossed that one. I've found most can openers pretty good at keep smooth edges.

  4. I have a pampered chef can opener and it leaves a smooth edge. Perfect every time and the lid can be reused...
