Sunday, November 13, 2011

~Fabric Hairbands

Oh Pinterest... you've enriched my life so...

So anyway,  saw this cutie hairband @ and loved it.  I had all the materials, so why not???  I agree.  This was a quick easy project. 
I took a hair elastic and snipped it. 

I took 3 pieces of fabric, each about an inch wide, and braided them together.  I made two of these.  Then I wrapped the end with a scrap of fabric and put a quick stitch at the base.  On the first one, I used my sewing machine.  Then I broke my needle, so this picture was actually taken from the one I hand stitched.  I suppose you could use glue, but I felt that a quick stitch would be best. 

Here are my finished bands!  I promise you, this was such an easy project!

Well... I notice my son cut my nose off.  Amateures.... :) 


  1. Fingers crossed that you get my stocking this year!!! <333 This is ADORABLE!!

  2. Very cute. Love the colors of fabric you used. and so simple. Hope to see you at DIY Home Sweet home. I'm your newest follower. Cute blog

    P.S. I have a linky every Monday. Would love for you to stop by and link up.
