Friday, February 5, 2010

~100th Day of School!

Our 100th day of school was on Wednesday. The students are encouraged to have fun and make shirts with 100 "something" on them. I thought that I would save myself some time and use iron-on transfers. Well, let me say... they worked like a charm! My older son wanted guitars. So I found several different pictures on the internet and copied and pasted them into a Word document. With the click of a few buttons, Voila'! 100 guitars. I found the font I liked and set the print to mirror image.
My younger son loves Dr. Pepper almost as much as his daddy does! So naturally, this is the picture he chose. Again, found an image, copied and pasted.
Now, this may have been cheating... I'm not sure... but it was so much easier for me! And they can totally wear these again, and again, and again! (and, yes, my little one wore his hat like that ALL day long! I don't think it was ever straight on his head!!!)

1 comment:

  1. We had sooooo much fun!! We have got to do it again!!!!!
