Friday, February 5, 2010

~ 1st craft night (of many to come!)

My beautiful sister in law and I have been wanting to have a craft night for ever! We were finally able to make it happen! Here is Tara showing her great $.50 plaques she found at Michael's.
She also bought one for me... she is sooooo sweet!!!

Tara had a fabulous idea... to make a family plaque. She cut out her letters first, to get an idea of how big she wanted them... I am loving this so far! When this is done, it is going to be gorgeous! Tara and I will both post our plaques. You can check out Tara's site here.

Here's Creed's project. Tara found these online and printed them out. Creed cut them out according to the pattern, glued the tabs, and that was that!

Look at the happiness and joy... We stinkin' love to craft! The first of many happy times!

1 comment:

  1. I want to come play, it looks like you guys are having so much fun. Love the idea, and how nice to have a SIL to share your crafting with. Hope you guys have a great weekend.

    Cha Cha
