Sunday, March 28, 2010

~easter baskets

My very talented Sister in law, Tara had a wonderful idea for personalized easter baskets. When she told me her idea, I just knew it was going to be adorable! She told me exactly what I would need... which was one thing... white contact paper! Check out her baskets here!

I found these beach pails at Michael's for $1. For the mothers of boys... do you ever feel like at Easter everything looks a little girly? Anyway... I thought these pails would be the perfect solution! (and leaves plenty of room for Easter loot!)

Have a wonderful, BLESSED Easter!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

~baby's first year block

I know... I'm obsessed with these blocks! I get so inspired by the blocks that the ladies over at How Does She? make. Then I saw the birthday block that Jamielyn over at i heart naptime made. So I kinda' combined some ideas to make this for Tracy and Carson's shower.

I took a 2x4, about 18 inches long, and covered it with the scrapbook paper I used to make Carson's blocks (here)

I distressed the edges and corners with a sander, then brushed over them with brown ink. I used 20 gauge floral wire from Michael's to make the picture holders. To make sure I had room for all 12 months, I measured for each hole (I know... I usually eyeball it...). Then I nailed a hole for each wire. I dipped the tips into E600 to secure them. (Some of the holes weren't deep enough, so I went back and drilled those.) I attached the letters and numbers with Mod Podge, then went over the entire block to seal it.

Here's the finished product at the shower. I can't wait to see all 12 months filled with beautiful pictures of Carson!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

~shutters revamped

A few weeks ago, our family went to a local antique mall. We love to go here because you just never know what you'll find! Which brings me to these babies... I saw them sitting in a corner. I swear they called to me...
This very sweet lady saw me carrying them around and said she would check on the price. She comes back to find me and says, "They are $5." I say, "Oh... $10 for 2 shutters. Not bad!" She says, "Oh no, $5 for both." I think I blacked out for a moment... then grabbed them and ran!
Now, I know this lacy background is a thing of beauty... but not what I was looking for! ;)
And had a broken off knob...
Hang with me! Focus on the potential!

I ripped off the lace and (finally!) got the old knobs and stub off. (They were painted over!)

I painted them with Rustoleum Heirloom White, distressed the edges with sandpaper, and brushed over them with a glaze.

At one point I thought about something like chicken wire here. But I just wasn't settled on that idea.
I really like twine... then this idea hit me. I want this to be some sort of message center/photo holder. So I attached the separate pieces of twine in each corner. Then I gathered them together and tied them in a knot. I continued this process just a couple of more times until hitting the bottom. I'm sure I should have measured and all that, but I'm more of an "eyeball it" kind of girl!
Now that I have both sides all "twined", I attached burlap to the back. (I used hot glue for the twine and the burlap.)

Here's one finished shutter. Isn't she pretty? I really liked it hanging this way, too. (I'm still working on the 2nd shutter. I was just anxious to get one completed.)

I picked this knob at Hobby Lobby (1/2 off!). It has a wrought iron feel to it.

Now I think I'll add some mini clothes pins. Any other ideas? I'm listening! :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

~baby blocks

When I saw the amazing blocks over at How Does She?, I will be honest... I fell in love. Fell hard...
I wanted to make my cousin, Tracy, blocks for her baby shower. BTW... I babysat Tracy. Changed her diapers. Fed her. I... am... old... Anyway! Back to the blocks!

I started with 2"x2" blocks from Michael's.

This was a big job, so I had to hire some great help! This is Ethan, painting his heart out!

Look at this concentration!

I will be honest. These blocks really soaked up the paint! I guess I should have primed them...

After getting them all painted, I sanded down the edges and corners.

Then I went over the blocks with Ralph Lauren glaze (Smoke). This was my first time using this product... not sure if I did it right! :)

I wanted just a touch more brown, so I dabbed the edges with a distressing ink.

I cut out the squares to cover the blocks and then distressed the edges of these, too.

Next, I ran them through the Xyron sticker maker.
All that was left was sticking the squares on! I cut out the letters and stuck them on with Mod Podge.

Aerial view...

Side view...
Tracy chose these colors for her nursery. I hope they all match!

I just love that N...
Once I got started, this project wasn't hard to finish. I hope Baby Carson likes them!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

~a coastal giveaway

Click here to enter Linda's giveaway @ Coastal Charm! Thanks everybody!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

~another magnet board

This is my sister, Cheree, who I love dearly! (should that have been whom?) She is the best kindergarten teacher ever! Now I know what you're thinking... my opinion is biased. Well, did I mention that she is the Teacher of the Year in her county? See? I told you.... ;)

She actually goes by many names... Mrs. Fricks, Miss Cheree, Ree, and Ree Ree (my boys). So I hope that "Mrs. Fricks" being on the sign is ok with her kids!

For her board, I decided to turn it horizontally. Then I trimmed it using jute and a cutie button. (I love buttons...)

I made the magnet using their Christmas card and a business card magnet. Let me add... this was my magnet I had made for our home. But when I finished her board, the brown tones just matched perfectly. So I told her she owed me another picture! :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

~monogramed glass dish

I stinkin' love The Dollar Tree... isn't that a nice way to start off a post? Anyway, I was looking around my favorite aisle (frames and candles), when this holder caught my attention...

I loved the black metal and the pedestal look.

Then I began to look around the glassware. There were hurricanes and other votive candle holders, but I liked the simple look of this dish-thingy.

Ok... so I turned the candle holder upside-down (I liked the wide part on the bottom), then glued the dish to the top.

So. Well... My sweet, precious husband (no sarcasm here!) said to me, "I like it, but nothing else is going to fit in the bathroom!" So, I decided to make it all my own! I cut out my monogram using my cricut.

I have wanted to try monograms for a reallllly long time. I love how this turned out! Up next... oh there is so much... :)
Now... what do I use this for?! Candy? Jewelry? Candles? Please tell me what you think!