Monday, May 31, 2010

~Stamped pendants

Ok... I have longed to make stamped jewelry. I mean, really... I have looked and looked for metal stamps all over. In stores... the internet...
Well, a friend tells me about Harbor Frieght Tools. You can buy metal stamps there in various sizes. I ran.... RAN, I tell you! to this store, which happens to be not too far from my house.

Here's what I did. I bought these little round discs at Michael's. There are also diamond shaped pendants in this pack (future post!). I used a regular hammer to stamp the letters onto the pendant. The "C" is for my first born, the "E" is for my second.

*Where you stamp is important. Do not... I repeat, do NOT stamp on your kitchen table. Don't question how I know this. Just trust me. Go find you some nice concrete.

Ok. Second want. I have always wanted to try to make these dangly charms. So, I found crystal beads and made a birthstone charm for each boy.

I also made this family monogram pendant and dangly pearl charm. I'm not so sure this metal worked as well as the other charms. But tell me what you think! :) Thanks!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

~Its a Mary Kay giveaway!

I am very pleased to introduce you to Erika Condon. She is a Mary Kay consultant and has put together this amazing prize for 1 lucky winner! How perfect is this? This prize includes 4 "fun in the sun" products that everyone needs for summer. Here's what this gift includes:
  • Mary Kay SPF 30 Sunscreen. It's waterproof and sweat-resistant for up to 80 minutes - lightweight and oil-free, so it can be used on the face and body
  • Mary Kay Lip Protector with SPF 15. It keeps lips guarded and protected from the drying effects of the sun and wind.
  • Mary Kay After-Sun Replenishing Gel. It's formulated with botanical extracts and rich in soothing antioxidants. It absorbs quickly to replenish vital moisture to the body.
  • Mary Kay Self Tanner - perfect for that extra bit of glow!

Oh, I can see me now.... toes in the sand.... book in my hand.... Oops! Sorry! Back to reality!

Anyway, 1 lucky person will receive this huge gift from Erika. So... on with the rules!

~For entry #1: Comment to this post about where you would love to use this gift.

~For entry #2: Post about this giveaway on your blog, come back and leave another comment to this post.

~For entry #3: Register with Erika on her personal MK site

A possible three entries! Woo-hoo! AND.... for any followers of All Things Pink & Crafty, Erika has offered 20% off your total purchase made from today through Sunday, May 30! Thanks, Erika, for this awesome giveaway!

*I'll announce the winner next Tuesday, June 1.

Good Luck everyone!


~Make a friend's day special :)

My friend Jill is a new mother! In law... that is! We wanted to do something special for her, so we decided to throw her a Mother-in-law to be shower! I so wish I had pictures to show y'all. We made her an "Emergency" basket to meet all possible forseen problems. Of course, we also added some pampering things to relieve stress. I thought a shirt proudly displaying her role would be perfect!
I found the sheets that can be cut out and using my cricut, I cut out these letters. I added her son's birthyear as the "Established" date. Cute touch, I think! These letters ironed-on with ease! Yep, I'm hooked...
So, I encourage you to find something that you could do to make a friend's day special. I know that whatever you do, it won't go unnoticed.
~(Congratulations, Joel and Katie on your new life together!)


Saturday, May 22, 2010

~Have a great weekend!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

Monday, May 17, 2010

~Summer Book Thong

I don't know about you.... but one of my most favorite things to do in this world is to be on the beach, toes in the sand, and a good book in my hands! I have made several of Book Thongs like this, but when I saw these cute little flip-flop charms, they just begged to go to the beach as a new summer book thong!

Pink.... of course. These are so super easy to make. I'd say 20 minutes, tops. I have used a couple of various materials, but here's how I made this one:

  • 2 ft. (approx.) Thin hemp cording (sold in the jewelry dept. @ Michael's - comes in black, white, and brown)
  • Charms for each end (I have also used old "hanging" earrings!)
  • beads of your choice (make sure the center hole is wide enough for your string)

I start by stringing the charm for one end. Pull through enough cording to double back through the beads. Then string your beads, working the extra string through as you go. When you get to the last bead (here, I always finish with a big silver bead with a wide hole... you'll see why!), tie a couple of good knots. THEN... pull that big silver bead over your knot. Clip away extra string!

For the other side, I string my beads starting with the last (that big silver bead), stringing my second charm on last. Work string back through, making sure your final length is not too long, tie your knot, and pull your big silver bead over your knot. It always holds!

Now, for the finishing touch! I made these cards to hang the book thong from. This is sure to bring a smile to your reciepient's face! How cute would this be for a "End of the Year" teacher's gift?

I am a firm believer that a font should reflect a personality. (I have mentioned that I stinkin' love fonts, right?) So... you can make this frilly or silly, the choice is yours! But seriously, it's called a Book Thong... the end result will probably be silly.... :)

~First ever giveaway winner!

Oh my gosh, y'all! Thanks so much for making my first ever giveaway a big success! And the winner is....
Dawn who wrote, "Hi, I'm a newbie here! I love your blog!"
Dawn, send me your info, please, so that I can get your gift to you!
Truly, the most heartfelt thanks to everyone who entered! I so look forward to hosting another giveaway. Check back soon for the next one!

Friday, May 14, 2010

~First ever giveaway!!!

Oh my gosh! I am so excited to have my very first ever giveaway!!!

So a few weeks ago, I received the most unexpected suprise... the great people at CSN stores online contacted me about a possible giveaway on my blog. I went to their site ("bar furniture") to check it out.! They literally had thousands of items to choose from... they have over 200 sites! So, my task of choosing an item was not an easy one, let me tell you. AND their prices were! But when I saw this little pretty, I knew.... oh, yes... I knew...

Isn't it gorgeous?! And here's the cool thing... there are several other pieces to match! I'm telling you, I fell in love with this site!

Here's something else I noticed... they have free shipping on many of their items! I love that!

Ok... so here's the deal... to enter into my First ever giveaway:

1. Leave me a comment to this post.

2. Become a follower and leave a separate comment telling me you have (or that you already are! Love Y'all!)

3. Post about this first ever giveaway on your blog and leave a separate comment letting me know.

A possible 3 entries (one for each comment)! I will announce the winner Monday night. Good luck everyone!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

~Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I wanted take a minute to brag on the Mothers that I have been blessed to have in my life.
This is my mama, Sue. Growing up, everyone called her "Mama Sue" because anyone could go to my mom and she was there for them. My mama is truly a blessing to me. She is a constant pillar for our family. She is an unwavering Christian warrior and I completely look up to her. She is my dearest friend... I can share my heart with her and my heart will be safe.
A few years ago, we (the ladies.... and my boys...) were at the beach. We were watching "Sarah, Plain and Tall". In this movie, she calls her aunts "The Treasures" because that's what they are to her. I quickly picked this up for my mom, my aunt Brynda (Bee), and their friends. I have to call them the "Traveling Treasures" because they are always on the go!
Thank you, Mama.... for being who you are. Thank you for always loving me, always setting the perfect example of what a Christian mother should be, always showing the love of Christ by putting others before yourself. I love you more than there are words....
This is Martha Ann, my mother in law. She is such a blessing... I can't even begin to tell you! She is a woman that I admire. I think the world of her...
She has been through so much in her life. She lost both of her parents tragically when she was just a young mother. She lost her husband of 33 years tragically as well. Yet through it all, she has been a pillar of strength for her family. She is the picture of Christain love. She always puts her family first, before her own wants and needs.
Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6... "Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart; and lean not onto your own understanding. In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Let me tell you... She lives this! She lives Christain wisdom...
She is hilarious... I love spending time with her, just laughing! She is a woman that you can share your heart with, but she will be honest with you and tell you what you need to hear. (That's hard sometimes, but usually right on!) I love her dearly and I know that I am blessed, beyond what I can say, to have her in my life....
Thank you, Marthann, for loving me as if I were one of your own. Thank you for always being there for me and showing me what kind of mother in law I should hope to be one day...

You know... One wonderful woman in my life would have been more than many women get... but I have two... Truly, I am blessed. And I know it well!

Mama, I love you
Marthann, I love you

Thank you both for loving me, too