Sunday, November 13, 2011

~Knitted Cowl

So I learned to knit last year.  I have to say that I love it.  It is so relaxing for me.  Now, I dont't know how to do a lot, but I'm slowly working on it!  Well... I saw this beautiful cowl on etsy and I thought I would try it... my favorite part?  This huge button.  I know... strange. 
This is my funky big button.  Actually, its a wooden button with a cute shell button on top.  I just liked it.

So here's my version!  I think mine is a little long, but I just got carried away.  I do that. ;)  Tell me what you think!

~Fabric Hairbands

Oh Pinterest... you've enriched my life so...

So anyway,  saw this cutie hairband @ and loved it.  I had all the materials, so why not???  I agree.  This was a quick easy project. 
I took a hair elastic and snipped it. 

I took 3 pieces of fabric, each about an inch wide, and braided them together.  I made two of these.  Then I wrapped the end with a scrap of fabric and put a quick stitch at the base.  On the first one, I used my sewing machine.  Then I broke my needle, so this picture was actually taken from the one I hand stitched.  I suppose you could use glue, but I felt that a quick stitch would be best. 

Here are my finished bands!  I promise you, this was such an easy project!

Well... I notice my son cut my nose off.  Amateures.... :) 

Monday, November 7, 2011

~Fabric flowers

If you read my last post, you know that I'm a hopeless Pinterest junkie.  But I cannot help it!  All these wonderful ideas from extremely talented people.  What's not to love?

So, my infinity t-shirt scarf is a hit.  I love it!  But I wanted to try a little somethin' somethin' to make it "mine".  I saw these floating around Pinterest on clips and headbands and  purses....

This tutorial (perfect instructions!) can be seen @ . I'm telling y'all... this was so easy to make! She even gives you a printable template. Here's mine...

I followed her directions and I decided to place a button in the middle.  (I love buttons...).  Then, to add some bling, I strung loops of beads on top of the button.  Just strung and strung until I liked it!  Here's another...

So.... have you guessed where I found the material?

Haha!  I just had to take a picture of this.  I hacked the junk out of this t-shirt!  After I cut the hem off the bottom, then cut straight across from armpit to armpit (the part used for the scarf), I had this left over.  Yep, I agree.  Perfect fabric for flowers.

These were our Church Camp t-shirts.  As you can see, cut from armpit to armpit.  But still lots of usable material.  Ta-da!

I am a believer in using what you have.  No need to go out and buy lots of supplies!  Look around for a minute and you'll find soooo much to work with!  By the way... on the blue flower, I used magnets on the back.  On the grey flower, I used a regular pin from a holiday pin that I no longer wear.  So far, I'm really liking the magnets.  Makes no holes and if they are strong, they don't move an inch! Hmmm.... I'm telling you.  Look around! :)

~T-Shirt scarves! (I'm in love...)

My name is Jennifer.  It has been 4 minutes since my last pin.  I am addicted to Pinterest.

Thanks for listening.  I just had to get that out there.

So.... I have so many loves here lately.  But I think my favorite thing that I've been seeing is scarves.  Now I have always loved scarves, but let's be for real.  As much as I may love something fashionable, when its gone, its gone.  Right?  So you can imagine how happy I've been with scarves making a comeback.

So... Pinterest.... oh, Pinterest.  You have opened my eyes to so many fabulous things!  Like diy scarves.  I am working on a pretty little sweet knitted cutie pa-tutie, but that's taking some time.  And if you know me, you know that I am such an immediate gratification crafter. 

Sorry!  Back to the topic at hand.  Pinterest.  So, I begin this post by saying that none of these, or very, very little of these ideas are mine!  :)  I will do my best to give credit where credit is due!

T-shirt scarves were popping up like crazy.  And heavens knows I have tons of t-shirts.  Perfect.  Lets start with this beauty...

I saw this @ and it was love at first sight.  Her directions were so easy to follow!  So.... Here's my version.

Oh gosh!  I love it. 


 I saw this very cool idea @ and saw possibilities all in my closet! Here's my version....

So where'd that flower come from?  Check out my next post!  Listen.... if I can do these, you can too!  Think of all those t-shirts that have a little spot on them, or a bleach stain.  Perfect!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

~Colorful color organizers... so easy!

Hey everyone!  I'm so sorry I've been away for sooooo long.  It has been a crazy summer and an even crazier start to the school year!  But I'm back and I have a few projects to share over the next few days. 

Alright... so I have seen lots of different ways to make crayon organizers.  But none of them seemed to work out for me.  Then along came my precious angel nephew, Jameson, and with him came LOTS of formula cans.  My sweet mother in law started collecting them for me.

So I just removed the outer label...

and picked out scrapbook paper in coordinating colors.  I cut the paper to fit around the can, sprayed with adhesive, and wrapped the paper around the can.  So easy!

There are so many times in class where we just need a specific color.  This is the perfect solution.  Now we don't need to pull out a big box for each student everytime we need a color.  Everyone just grabs what they need.  AND they are so pretty! ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

~What a happy birthday!!!

The girls over at The DIY Dish are giving away lots of cool products to celebrate their birthday!  Check it out!

Friday, May 6, 2011

~Teacher gift idea

It's Teacher Appreciation Week!  Being a teacher myself, I try to be conscious of doing something special for my boys' teachers to let them know how thankful we are. 

*This idea would also be great for an "End of the Year" gift.

I found this printable at Taidye Original and I fell in love!  It inspired my "Summer by the Pool" gift basket.  I started with these items:

See those pails?  I stinkin' loved them because they are rippled on the end with little holes for draining.  PERFECT for the pool or beach!

I found these puffy felt stickers in the scrapbooking section at Michael's.  I thought they would be perfect on flip-flops.  I attached them to brads so that they could be changed (future gifts for teachers-interchangable flip-flops decals).

I personalized the bottles and pails using my Cricut and contact paper.  Matching, of course ;)

Here is a close-up.  I attached those adorable printables to a pair of sunglasses.

Pink lemonade singles in the bottles.  Nice touch, I think! :)  These items can be purchased at a variety of stores.... very inexpensive possibilities!

Monday, May 2, 2011

~Revamped fruit bowl

Good evening!  I wanted to show you my latest project.  I have had this fruit bowl for a long time... I picked it up at a yard sale.   Now, it took a while to get inspired, but I really like how it turned out.  BUT it was a little if-y for a while!  Keep reading.... you'll see... ;)

I'd seen so many different pieces where white can been seen under the top coat of paint.  So I just hit those spots that I would be roughing up.  Now for the color!

Oh my word.... this was after 2 coats.... SO not working!  (I was attempting to use an acrylic paint that I had on hand.... and I stinkin' loved this color.)

Ummm... no....

On to plan B!  A quick run to Wal-mart always saves the day!  This color was really close to what I was using.  Whew!

THIS is what I had invisioned!  But not done yet.... :)

I took some sandpaper (I have no idea what grit and all that.  I just grabbed what I had.) and roughed up the edges to give it a worn look.  I love how some of the white peeks through.

I really like the finished product!

I see a bowlful of lemons in the future....

But for the moment, squash will have to do! haha 

But I need your help... should I go over this with a glaze?  Thanks for your help!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

~A new Cricut!

There is a new Cricut coming out and I am entering to win one!  Go to Everyday Cricut to enter!  Good luck!

Monday, April 18, 2011

~Sand Dollar Easter Craft and Lesson

During Spring Break, one of my students went to the beach and his family came home with over 100 sand dollars.  I know! 

She asked if she could send in some for our classroom.  "Of course!" was my response.  I knew there was a sand dollar story that helped teach the Easter Story.  The timing for this project was perfect!

We started with our plain sand dollars.  I read the following poem:
The Legend of the Sand Dollar

There's a lovely little legend
that I would like to tell,
of the birth and death of Jesus,
found in this lowly shell.

If you examine closely,
you'll see that you find here,
four nail holes and a fifth one,
made by a Roman's spear.

On one side the Easter lily,
its center is the star,
that appeared unto the shepherds
and led them from afar.

The Christmas Poinsettia
etched on the other side,
reminds us of His birthday,
our happy Christmastide.

Now break the center open,
and here you will release,
the five white doves awaiting,
to spread Good Will and Peace.
This simple little symbol,
Christ left for you and me,
to help us spread His Gospel,
through all Eternity.
Author Unknown

 I gave each student a set of water colors.  When we started, we realized that the sand dollars really soaked up the paint!  BUT...

 If you dipped the paintbrush in water and spread it over the paint, it would lighten a bunch.  So now I think I have all the colors I want to use. :)

 This is mine and Jessica's, my student aide.  I know!  I stinkin' love her shade of pink!

 And here are a few samples from around my classroom.  As you can see, some of them got a little happy with the water colors!  But actually, in person, they weren't that dark and the colors showed up more.
Hey!  Beauty is totally in the eye of the beholder!

Happy Easter! 
